Some of the organizations that have sent staff to our workshops and hands-on courses:
ACA Research | ACP Network Services | ACTEW AGL | Australia Post | B Digital Ltd | Canon Australia | CCH Australia Limited | Centact Solutions | CGU Insurance | CitiStreet Australia | Coca Cola Amatil | Commonwealth Financial Services | Cross City Motorway | Datacom Connect | Department of Immigration | Flag Choice Hotels | GE Capital Consumer Finance | Hallis | Hanimex | Health Insurance Commission | Hewlett Packard | IAG | IBM Global Services | ING Australia | Integ Communications | Integral Energy | Maroc Australia | McKesson Asia-Pacific | Mobile Innovations | NightHawk Radiology Services | NSW Ageing Disability & Home Care | NSW State Emergency Service | O'Brien Glass | Optus | OzEmail Internet | Positive Response Telemarketing | Procter & Gamble | RAC Insurance | Royal Institute for Deaf & Blind Children | SalesForce Australia | Sensis | St George Bank | Telecomms Industry Ombudsman | The Metabolism Centre | The Smith's Snackfood Company | The Sunday Times | The Travel Corporation | TNT Vehicle Logistics | Toyota Financial Services | UCMS | WA Dept of Planning & Infrastructure | Waste Service NSW | Woodlogic | Zurich Financial Services |
“I enjoyed working with Harold (XL Numerics). His understanding of big data models and transformation is incredible. With his help, I have been able to build an amazing interactive Excel dashboard for my organisation using Power Query & Power Pivot lessons he gave me. Thank you.”
“I’ve been very happy with your service and am now using the dashboard daily. I’ve revealed it to my directors, who are very impressed. Such a pleasure to work with and very personable, XL Numerics provided great advice, quick turnaround of dashboard updates with clear and concise explanations. Would highly recommend.”
“XL Numerics brought my numbers to life! The quality of work and service delivered was exceptional and their experience added value to my project that I was not even aware of at the start. Highly recommend.”
“Great response and hands on consulting. I had a definitive concept for a dashboard and XL Numerics turned the concept into reality in a concise time period. Very responsive to comments and provided expert input into the process.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed the day. I thought I would take a moment aside to say how useful and practical the course was and how well worth it was attending. I certainly would recommend the course to anyone else in the industry. I would also like to highly compliment you on your training style and professionalism. Your sharpness and wit sure kept the session entertaining but at the same time managed to deliver some intense and useful information.”
“This is fantastic. I wish I had this years ago. I can now look at my numbers and have at least some accuracy in the resources required. I can now predict the call patterns and set staffing numbers accordingly. Once again, thank you.”
“A huge success and I can personally recommend this training as a MUST for all Team Leaders and Managers!”
“Thanks for this information. I spent a day last week going through the work that we had done during the course. I managed to get everything to work and created some charts for a strategy meeting I had yesterday.
My manager and colleagues were very impressed and have come up with plenty of ideas for charting our data and trending.”
“The course showed us the best practice under various scenarios and circumstances.
I am very impressed - there is no other course comparable or better than this.”